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EAN : 9780868190839
184 pages
Currency Press (01/01/1983)
5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
With "Vocations", in which she confronts us with the single woman of the 80s. Alma De Groen has reached a new maturity as a comic writer and sage observer of the war between the sexes. Her two talented women - Vicki, an actress, and Joy, a writer - seesaw between professional achievement and domestic conditioning as their men, in two very different ways, compete for the newly assigned domestic roles. "Vocations" is published here with her other major comedy of domes... >Voir plus
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VICKI: Do what Hemingway used to do when he got stuck.
JOY: What? Blow my brains out?
VICKI: Say to yourself: 'All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know.'
JOY: [angrily] My whole life's been turned around. How do I know what's true any more? You don't know what it's like to know you're writing abysmally and there's nothing you can do about it. Everything I write turns into a tirade of hate. And that's fatal. According to Virginia Woolf one should never reveal one's anger. It has to be art, not self-expression. And she put rocks in her pockets and jumped in a pond! How do I strike a balance? If you're not angry what you write is irrelevant. If you are angry it sounds like hysterical over-reacting.
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ZOE: What happens if we get home and you're not happy there, either?
JIM: [confidently] It won't happen.
ZOE: I don't even know if I want to come with you. I don't think I could face the disappointment.
JIM: There won't be any disappointment.
ZOE: Why not? Every place we've been to we've blamed it on the country and not on ourselves.
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Videos de Alma De Groen (5) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Alma De Groen
Lee Lewis on 'Wicked Sisters'.
Griffin's Artistic Director Lee Lewis muses on Alma de Groen's play 'Wicked Sisters', which forms part of Griffin's 2020 Season.
WICKED SISTERS By Alma de Groen 6 November - 12 December 2020.
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Qui a écrit 1984 ?

H.G Wells
O Wells
S Beckett
G Orwell

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