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EAN : 9780868193458
72 pages
Currency Press (01/06/1993)
5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Liz Ransom, a successful feminist historian in her 40s, has retreated to the mountains from the furore created by her latest book. Her husband Gareth, driving to visit her, is shaken when a woman runs into the path of his car. The consequences of this event upon the couple and those around them are far-reaching.
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Citations et extraits (2) Ajouter une citation
LIZ: Any explanation nowadays is comforting. I became an historian because I was in love with the idea of continuance... of something epic and ongoing that I was in service to. But it pretty soon dawned on me that the history of the majority of humanity simply didn't exist. And when you look at the history that DOES exist, you realise it's been defined by one sex. The Renaissance and the Reformation were anything but high points for women. We lost nine million in the witch burnings – for crimes like making penises disappear.
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LIZ: Manning Clark talked about needing to comfort himself; perhaps that's what historians do – look for comfort amidst the terror.
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Vidéo de Alma De Groen
Lee Lewis on 'Wicked Sisters'.
Griffin's Artistic Director Lee Lewis muses on Alma de Groen's play 'Wicked Sisters', which forms part of Griffin's 2020 Season.
WICKED SISTERS By Alma de Groen 6 November - 12 December 2020.
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Professions des personnages de roman ( avec indices)

Charles, le mari d'Emma Bovary dans Mme Bovary de Gustave Flaubert Indice : hippocrate


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