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4.52/5   24 notes
Résumé :
Now in one volume, both parts of Persepolis, Marjane Satrapi's brilliant memoir-in-comic-strips about growing up in Iran during and after the Islamic revolution.
The Story of a Childhood and The Story of a Return

The intelligent and outspoken child of radical Marxists, and the great-grandaughter of Iran's last emperor, Satrapi bears witness to a childhood uniquely entwined with the history of her country. Persepolis paints an unforgettable port... >Voir plus
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (2) Ajouter une critique
This autobiographical cartoon is the daily diary of a young girl who lives in Iran in the Eighties. This book is very intersting and enriching. It is really funny. I have also enormously liked the style of the drawings. This cartoon allows the reader to discover the life of the Iranian women, like Marjane Sartrapi's life.

Today, I’m going to write a critic on the book Persepolis. First, I’m going to write a short summary of the story and after I’m going to tell my personal opinion.
This book is an autobiography written by Marjane Satrapi in 2007. The story begins in Tehran in 1978. Marjan, 8 years old, dreams in the future and dreams in a prophet saving the world. With her modern and cultured family, she tracked the events which are going to lead to the revolution and to cause the fall of the system of the Shah. With the institution of the Islamic Republic begins the time of “police commissioners of the revolution” who control clothes and behavior. Marjane, who has to wear the veil, dreams from now as a revolutionary. Soon, the war against Iraq pulls bombardments, hardships and disappearances of close friends. The breathlessness inside becomes more severe every day. Then, her parents decide to send her to Austria to protect her. In Vienna, Marjane who is now 14 years old, lives her second revolution: the adolescence, the freedom, the vertigo of love but she also discovers exile, solitude and feeling different from other people.
In my opinion, this book is amazing! It is really touching because the author has lived a lot of things during her childhood and her teens. I think we can see ourselves in Marjane. I really like the fact that the story is a comic book in black and white because it’s original to write an autobiography with drawings. A cartoon was created from the book which is really great too. I recommend this book to everyone. It’s really easy to read. The language is understandable and the story is beautiful.

Commenter  J’apprécie          20
Le titre du livre est "Persépolis" de Marjane Satrapi. On va suivre la vie d'une jeune fille de son enfance à son âge adulte à Téhéran dans le contexte de la guerre Irak-Iran. On va la voir surmonter les étapes difficiles de la vie comme les plus joyeuses.

J'ai vraiment aimé cette BD car on passe du rire aux larmes en un instant. On suit ses histoires et ses déceptions avec beaucoup d'émotion.

J'ai aussi beaucoup aimé ce livre car on en apprend beaucoup sur l'histoire de la guerre Irak-Iran et j'ai aussi beaucoup apprécié les dessins en noir et blanc.
Commenter  J’apprécie          50

Videos de Marjane Satrapi (34) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Marjane Satrapi
Femme, vie, liberté Marjane Satrapi, Farid Vahid, Jean-Pierre Perrin, Abbas Milani et al. Éditions l'Iconoclaste
« À l'heure où nous célébrons le premier anniversaire de la Révolution des femmes en Iran, il y a un an, en septembre dernier, voici que la maison de l'Iconoclaste publie sa première bande dessinée qui s'appelle Femme, vie, liberté. C'est une bande dessinée qui est un immense coup de coeur et on peut dire que pour L'Iconoclaste, dont c'est la première bande dessinée, c'est vraiment un coup de maître. [...] C'est une bande dessinée qui a été réalisée sous la direction de Marjane Satrapi, cette auteure iranienne... » Caroline Tison, libraire à La Procure de Paris
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