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EAN : 978B011T7TNCS
4.43/5   15 notes
Résumé :
Stories of Your Life and Others delivers dual delights of the very, very strange and the heartbreakingly familiar, often presenting characters who must confront sudden change—the inevitable rise of automatons or the appearance of aliens—with some sense of normalcy. With sharp intelligence and humor, Chiang examines what it means to be alive in a world marked by uncertainty, but also by beauty and wonder. An award-winning collection from one of today's most lauded wr... >Voir plus
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Citations et extraits (2) Ajouter une citation
I’m going to give birth to an animated voodoo doll of myself. I didn’t see this in the contract when I signed up. Was this part of the deal?
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Well if you already know how the story goes, why do you need me to read it to you?
Cause I wanna hear it!
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Videos de Ted Chiang (2) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Ted Chiang
Ce qu'on attend de nous, une nouvelle extraite d'Expiration lue par Pascal Godbillon. L'ouvrage tant attendu de Ted Chiang paraîtra le 2 septembre chez Denoël. © 2019 by Ted Chiang
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Les plus grands classiques de la science-fiction

Qui a écrit 1984

George Orwell
Aldous Huxley
H.G. Wells
Pierre Boulle

10 questions
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