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EAN : 9782130454823
704 pages
Presses Universitaires de France (01/07/1993)
4/5   2 notes
Résumé :
résumén non toruvé
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Video de Edouard Will (1) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Edouard Will
Lina Brennan didn't expect to start her day by bumping into a man from her past—nor did she expect to have to work with him! But when photographer Carver Milligan turns up at a photo shoot for Ron Gold Fashions in New York, the spunky sales executive must play along. She's a professional, after all.
Carver was her best friend growing up…until she left their small town for the city lights of New York and never looked back. As old feelings rekindle and new desires alight, Lina and Carver must decide if the second time's a charm… Will the temptation between them be too hot to resist?
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Thèmes : spiritualité , philosophieCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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