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EAN : 978B078GBFZ73
319 pages
Portfolio (19/06/2018)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
As startups use technology to shape the way we live, work, and learn, they're taking on challenges in sectors like healthcare, infrastructure, and education, where failure is far more consequential than a humorous chat with Siri or the wrong package on your doorstep. These startups inevitably have to face governments responsible for protecting citizens through regulation. Love it or hate it, we're entering the next era of the digital revolution: the Regulatory Era.<... >Voir plus
Citations et extraits (6) Voir plus Ajouter une citation
If there is one insight above all others that I hope you take from this book, it is that regulatory hacking is a process, not a one-size-fits-all strategy. A brilliant hack for one regulated startup might be a disaster for another in a slightly different context. Uber became incredibly successful by learning how to win conflicts with local governments, but they have more recently come to understand they will need to collaborate to survive. For most regulatory hackers, in fact, solving important problems for citizens will involve collaborating with government fare more often than open conflict.

Chapter 1. Regulatory Hacking
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Corporate social responsibility, or CSR, refers to the basket of business practices that many corporations engage in to be a good corporate citizen - and often, as important, to be perceived as one.

Chapter 11. Selling with social impact
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Love it or hate, we're entering the next era of the digital revolution: the Regulatory Era.

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Our lives as consumers have gone digital. Our lives as citizens remain stubbornly analog.

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Even Marc Benioff, founder of and an icon of Silicon Valley, compared Facebook to the cigarette industry in arguing that technology needs to become more regulated.

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