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EAN : 9781784296629
Quercus (01/01/2017)
2/5   2 notes
Résumé :
Meanwhile, DS Judy Johnson is investigating the disappearance of a local rough sleeper. The only trace of her is the rumour that she's gone 'underground'. This might be a figure of speech, but with the discovery of the bones and the rumours both Ruth and the police have heard that the network of old chalk-mining tunnels under Norwich is home to a vast community of rough sleepers, the clues point in only one direction. Local academic Martin Kellerman knows all about ... >Voir plus
Que lire après The Dr Ruth Galloway Mysteries, tome 9 : The Chalk PitVoir plus

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Thèmes : moyen-âge , vocabulaire , littérature , culture générale , challenge , définitions , histoireCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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