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EAN : 9780440840107
208 pages
The Trumpet Club (30/11/-1)
3.25/5   4 notes
Résumé :
Book by Gary Paulsen
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I first read this little novel when I was much younger, but already an adult ; I read it to my eldest child. It delighted me. I am a fan of living in nature, dreamed of from the comfort of my standard home !
This second reading, listening to in fact, confirmed my first delight. This simple story, told from the point of view of a thirteen year old urban boy who has to survive in the Canadian northern forest on his own, describes vividly the reality of the struggle. It is an ode to the tenacity and resourcefulness of one who has decided to survive, to live. It is not a story that dwells on the inner torments of its protagonist. It promotes a no nonsense attitude, and, in his words, proclaims that « self pity accomplishes nothing ».
The reader, Peter Coyote. For the first few minutes, I felt that he was bored by the story, and then… he disappeared in his reading, which became just right.
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a 13 years old boy , bryan, after the divorce of his parents will take the plane to find his father in Canada. During the flight, the pilot has a heart attack so bryan will crash the plane in the middle of the Canadians woods and will try to survive using only a hatchet. I really like this novel because it is full of adventures and discoveries and because you never get bored, there is always action.
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Vidéo de Gary Paulsen
Gary Paulsen discusses his life as a writer. Filmed in April 2010.
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