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EAN : 9781841761442
64 pages
Osprey (25/04/2002)
5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
The 13th century was a time of change for knights in England. They were faced with rising costs and increasing demands on their time for local government because of their very status in society, until knighthood itself was sometimes avoided. This period saw as well the development of the tournament from the wild team events of the early years of the century to the single jousts with blunt lance. Campaign life in the 13th century also embraced several theatres of war... >Voir plus
Que lire après English Medieval Knight 1200–1300Voir plus
Citations et extraits (1) Ajouter une citation
Roger of Hoveden, who died about 1201, wrote:
"No athlete can fight tenaciously who has never received any blows: he must see his blood flows and hear his teeth crack under the fist of his adversary, and when he is thrown to the ground he must fight on with all his might and not lose courage...Anyone who can do that can engage battle confidently."
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