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EAN : 9780060161705
174 pages
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Recueil d'anecdotes inspirantes et de citations humoristiques d'enfants ayant survécu au cancer.
Que lire après I want to grow hair, I want to grow up, I want to go to BoiseVoir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
L'humour d'Erma Bombeck joint à celui des enfants est irrésistible. Un livre qui sait faire réfléchir et émouvoir à la fois. de belles leçons de vie...
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Citations et extraits (9) Voir plus Ajouter une citation
Susan, of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, had liver cancer. She was left with a number of large scars on her stomach and right side. One day at kindergarten, several of her friends saw the scars and asked where she got them. She said, “Oh, I was wounded in the war,” and then added, “and what a war it was.”
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“I wish everyone who has cancer could benefit from it somehow,” she wrote. “The saddest thing to me is when a person suffers through chemotherapy, radiation and surgery and doesn’t learn anything about themselves through the process. My cancer is a gift.”
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Emily was four and in chemotherapy. One day at the mall, he struck a conversation with a woman who confided she had a cold. The woman then said to Emily, “How are you?” Emily responded matter-of-factly, “Oh, not so good. I have a runny nose, an owie on my foot, and a tumor.”
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Attitude is contagious and, in a family, can be crucial. Kids tend to take their cues from the people around them and handle it accordingly. Better to have a case of out-of-control optimism than to sentence the family to the Temple of Doom.
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When three-year-old Carrie’s blond curls were all gone and little fuzz was starting to grow back, she observed with curiosity her father’s balding head as he bent over to tie her shoe. “Daddy,” she asked, “is your hair coming or going?”
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