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EAN : 9782842742652
191 pages
Editions du Temps (01/09/2004)
3.5/5   5 notes
Résumé :
The Picture of Dorian Gray est aujourd'hui considéré à juste titre comme un chef-d'œuvre. Le roman d'Oscar Wilde, qui était une commande, parut le 20 juin 1890 dans le Lippincott's Monthly Magazine et fut repris sous forme de livre, en avril 1891, assorti d'une préface de l'auteur, d'un certain nombre de modifications ainsi que de six chapitres supplémentaires. Pascal Aquien nous propose de retrouver ici le " contrat de lecture " que mit en place Oscar Wilde lorsqu'... >Voir plus
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
This book is the representation of how a seemingly pure soul can be corrupted if it's left in a sense of privation and given terrible guidance.

Indeed, in this book we meet Dorian. A man of breathtaking beauty and innoncence. Struck by his own portrait , painted by the talented Basil Hallward, Dorian makes a fateful wish and that is to remain forever young while the painting ages in his place. Influenced by his friend, Henry Wontton, Dorian Gray explores a life without moral limits. But by doing so, his portrait transforms, baring the scars of his sins, and grows even more grotesque while Dorian himself remais untouched by time and his actions.
Dorian's journey is a spiral into darkness with each selfish choice leaving a mark on his soul, reflecting on the portrait.

I wasnt that enthusiastic to read it at first because of how long it seemed to be but ultimately i really enjoyed it. I liked the themes harbored throughout the story but mostly, i enjoyed the characters and their ideal of the perfect societal image.
If you like philosophical novels this one is for you. The characters aren't likeable, in my opinion, but that's what makes the book interesting. The representation of their humanity, values and philosophy is what makes this beautifully written novel one of my best readings. (nina)
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Londres et la littérature

Dans quelle rue de Londres vit Sherlock Holmes, le célèbre détective ?

Oxford Street
Baker Street
Margaret Street
Glasshouse Street

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