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4/5 (sur 8 notes)

Nationalité : États-Unis
Né(e) à : Wisconsin , 1992
Biographie :

M. L. Wang est auteure de fantasy et de science-fiction.

Diplômée d'un BA d'histoire du Knox College à Galesburg, Illinois en 2015, artiste martial, elle travaille dans une école d'arts martiaux à Madison, Wisconsin, où elle vit.

"The Sword of Kaigen" (2019) est son troisième roman.

Elle a également publié une série intitulée "Volta Academy Chronicles" (2023) sous le nom de Maya Lin Wang.

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Misaki had long since let go of the idea that she could raise her children the way she wanted—or that they were even her children at all. Her sons were Matsudas first and foremost. Their sole purpose was to grow to be powerful warriors, like their father before them, and his father before him. They belonged to the Matsuda house, as she did.
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She had enjoyed the vague fantasy of raising powerful, forward-thinking young women with the courage to amount to more than their mother, but it was just that: a fantasy.
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