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2.75/5 (sur 2 notes)

Nationalité : Royaume-Uni
Né(e) : 1934
Biographie :

Bryan Perrett est un ancien militaire britannique et journaliste spécialiste de la défense.

Après voir été scolarisé au Liverpool College, il rejoint le Royal Armoured Corps puis sert dans les 17th/21st Lancers, les Westminster Dragoons et le Royal Tank Regiment, service pour lequel il reçut la Territorial Decoration.

Pendant la guerre des Falkland et la guerre du Golfe, il a été correspondant pour le Liverpool Echo.

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Citations et extraits (3) Ajouter une citation
Predicting requirements for a future war is never easy. Many senior officers felt that the fighting along the Western Front would take the form of the later 1918 battles, with the enemy occupying heavily defended zones, and requested the Superintendent of Tank Design to produce pilot models of a Heavy Infantry Tank with a wide trench crossing capacity and the ability to drive over the worst shell-torn ground.
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Notwithstanding, the article does convey the essence of the reconnaissance soldier’s lifestyle; long periods of isolation, boredom, discomfort and incessant watchfulness, followed by short, sharp periods of intense and terrifying activity.
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Oberfeldwebel Barlesius can now see the armoured cars he is to relieve. In the dusk they look like strange black monsters.
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