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EAN : 9781472258298
320 pages
Headline Publishing Group (21/05/2019)
4.5/5   5 notes
Résumé :
In the beginning, there was a book written by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman about the forces of good and evil coming together to prevent the apocalypse, scheduled to happen on a Saturday just after tea.

Now, that internationally beloved novel has been transformed into six hour-long episodes of some of the most creative and ambitious television ever made. Written and show-run by Neil Gaiman and Douglas Mackinnon, this BBC Studios creation brings Good... >Voir plus
Que lire après The Nice and Accurate Good Omens TV CompanionVoir plus
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bright that dazzles but confuses sometimes
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‘My graphic novel, Sandman, happened,’ explains Neil. ‘For almost an entire year, life became about writing that. Then my phone rang. And the voice says: “That thing you sent me. I want to know what happens. Are you doing anything with it?” It was Terry. I told him I was busy, and he made me an offer. “Either sell me what you’ve done,” he said, “or we can write it together.” And because I am no fool, I told him we would write it together. Why wouldn’t I? Terry knows his craft. He had fantasy tied up but nobody was writing funny horror, and here was an opportunity to write a novel with him. It was like Michelangelo asking me if I wanted to help him paint a ceiling.’
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La fantasy pour les nuls

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