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EAN : 9780349439273
832 pages
Piatkus Books (31/08/2023)
4.7/5   10 notes
Résumé :
His first, last, and only true love has always been rugby.
Until now.

Following a devastating injury that has left him sidelined and stripped of his beloved number 13 jersey, Johnny is struggling to hold onto his dreams. Lost, insecure, and desperately seeking comfort, he sets his sights on unraveling the mystery of the girl with the midnight-blue eyes. With his best friend, Gibsie, by his side, Johnny embarks on his quest of exposing the secre... >Voir plus
Que lire après Boys of Tommen, tome 2 : Keeping 13Voir plus
Citations et extraits (1) Ajouter une citation
'[…] What do you want from me?'
I nodded. 'Always.'
'Everything,' she whispered, looking into my eyes. 'Especially the broken parts.'
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Le royaume de Kensuké (Michael MORPURGO)

Comment se nomme le bateau sur lequel s'embarque le personnage principal ?

Il s'appelle 'Le Kitty IV'.
Il s'appelle 'La Peggy Sue'.
Il s'appelle 'L'albatros frileux'.
Il s'appelle 'Le Kensuké'.

5 questions
433 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : Le royaume de Kensuké de Michael MorpurgoCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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