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EAN : 9780593500965
432 pages
Ballantine Books (01/11/2022)
4.06/5   8 notes
Résumé :
Olivia McAfee knows what it feels like to start over. Her picture-perfect life--living in Boston, married to a brilliant cardiothoracic surgeon, raising their beautiful son, Asher--was upended when her husband revealed a darker side. She never imagined that she would end up back in her sleepy New Hampshire hometown, living in the house she grew up in and taking over her father's beekeeping business.

Lily Campanello is familiar with do-overs, too. When... >Voir plus
Que lire après Mad HoneyVoir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Même après avoir terminé la lecture de ce roman et en avoir commencé un autre, les personnages de « Mad Honey » continuaient à m'habiter. Il faut dire qu'avec une mort suspecte à élucider et un sujet brûlant d'actualité, j'étais accro après deux paragraphes. Surtout que l'histoire est racontée par deux auteures de grand talent.
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Citations et extraits (6) Voir plus Ajouter une citation
Why isn’t he happy to be home? I wonder, and it isn’t until Jordan answers that I realize I’ve spoken aloud.
– The people I’ve known who’ve been in jail only want to get out. But when they do, they’re shell-shocked. Being incarcerated, you feel like time’s standing still. On the outside, you realize that the whole world moved forward without you.
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The medicinal power of honey is well documented – it’s antibacterial, so has been used in treating wounds. (…) Just about the only thing honey can’t fix is the kind of sickness that gets into your head, robs you of hope, and lands you in the jail infirmary after you try to kill yourself.
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I don’t think it’s an invisible chromosome, or the inability to get pregnant, or anything else, that makes people so cruel to transgender folks. I think what they hate is difference. What they hate is that the world is complicated in ways they can’t understand.
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Because honey never spoils, it was considered an immortel food, fit for the gods and those who've returned to stardust.
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You spend your whole life thinking that you’re the only person who feels the way you feel, only to find out that being trans is not that uncommon, that it is just one more way of being human?
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Videos de Jodi Picoult (7) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Jodi Picoult
11 avr. 2023 #litterature #jodipicoult L'auteure de *Mille petits riens* revient avec un roman qui donne littéralement une bouffée d'oxygène ! 📘 **J'aimerais tant que tu sois là**, en librairie le 3 mai !
autres livres classés : violoncellesVoir plus

Lecteurs (19) Voir plus

Quiz Voir plus

Les personnages de ma vie pour la tienne

Quelle est la personne atteinte de leucémie?


4 questions
15 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : Ma vie pour la tienne de Jodi PicoultCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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