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EAN : 9782091781105
56 pages
Nathan (19/12/2019)
3.58/5   83 notes
Résumé :
Ce cahier consommable accompagne les élèves dans la lecture de l'œuvre intégrale The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time de Mark Haddon au programme de la spécialité LLCE anglais
> Des repères sur l'auteur et le contexte historique, politique et social
> Une lecture découpée de l'œuvre, avec des extraits accompagnés d'un questionnement de compréhension et d'un travail spécifique sur la langue, dont un entraînement spécifique à la traduction>Voir plus
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
A young 15-year-old boy named Christopher finds the body of Wellington, his neighbor's poodle. The dog was killed with a garden fork during the night. Christopher decides to investigate and uncover who murdered Wellington. Indeed he hates lies and wants to discover the truth. He decides to write a book about his investigation and he shares his though.
Christopher is very intelligent and good at math. But he struggles with social interaction and finds hard to understand other people. He is terrified by strangers and unknown places.
His investigation about the dog leads him to uncover the truth and also family secrets, as his father has been lying to him for a very long time.

I would recommend you to read this book. I enjoy reading this book and I find it great
Christopher has a mystery to solve, and the victim is a dog. His investigation is uncommon, full of suspense and funny.
Moreover, the story is very touching. Christopher has a different way of seeing the word, and does not understand social behavior. He doesn't like being touched and prefers to be alone.
With this book, you should learn more about tolerance and how different people organize the world around them. It's very enlightening.
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Citations et extraits (3) Ajouter une citation
Christopher : And I'm going to find out who really killed Wellington and make it a project. Even though father told me not to.

Siobhan : Did he ?

Christopher : Yes.

Siobhan : I see.

Christopher : I don't always do what I'm told.

Siobhan : Why ?

Christopher : Because when people tell you what to do it is asually confusing and does not make sens. For example people often say "Be quiet" but don't tell you how long to be quiet for.
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Then I noticed that there were lots of other envelopes and they were all addressed to me. And this was interesting and confusing.
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I want my name to mean me.
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Vidéo de Corinne Escales
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The Curious Incident of The Dog in the Night-Time

1. Who is the author of the book "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time"?

a) Mark Haddon
b) J.K. Rowling
c) Harper Lee
d) Kazuo Ishiguro

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