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3.58/5 (sur 83 notes)

Nationalité : France
Biographie :

Corinne Escales est agrégée d'anglais.

Inspecteur d'académie - inspecteur pédagogique régional (IA-IPR) à l'Académie de Versailles, elle a enseigné l'anglais au lycée Eugène Ionesco à Issy-les-Moulineaux.

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Bibliographie de Corinne Escales   (1)Voir plus

Videos et interviews (1) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
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Comment articuler littérature, culture et travail approfondi sur la langue en spécialité LLCE ?

Citations et extraits (3) Ajouter une citation
I want my name to mean me.
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Christopher : And I'm going to find out who really killed Wellington and make it a project. Even though father told me not to.

Siobhan : Did he ?

Christopher : Yes.

Siobhan : I see.

Christopher : I don't always do what I'm told.

Siobhan : Why ?

Christopher : Because when people tell you what to do it is asually confusing and does not make sens. For example people often say "Be quiet" but don't tell you how long to be quiet for.
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Then I noticed that there were lots of other envelopes and they were all addressed to me. And this was interesting and confusing.
Commenter  J’apprécie          10

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The Curious Incident of The Dog in the Night-Time

1. Who is the author of the book "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time"?

a) Mark Haddon
b) J.K. Rowling
c) Harper Lee
d) Kazuo Ishiguro

10 questions
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