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Windy City tome 1 sur 2
EAN : 9798448847417
478 pages
Auto édition (04/06/2022)
4.17/5   29 notes
Résumé :

Chicago hockey isn’t complete without me—everyone’s favorite player to hate. I know my role, and I play it well. In fact, I thoroughly enjoy spending the majority of my game time in the penalty box before leaving the arena with a new girl on my arm each night.

What I don’t like is the new flight attendant on our team’s private plane. She works for me, not the other way around. But I’ll be sure to remind her of that, and I can gu... >Voir plus
Que lire après Windy City, tome 1 : Mile HighVoir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (4) Ajouter une critique
Mile High is a MF hockey romance. Zander is known as the stereotypical player, both on and off the ice, and Stevie is a flight attendant, working for the NHL and said player. When Stevie doesn't react to Zander like he would have liked, he doesn't like it and tells himself he'll make sure to remind her who she's working for. But after all those road trips, does he keep pushing the flight attendant call button because he wants revenge or is it for an other reason?

I liked how the author took time to grow our two MC's relationship. Nothing was rushed and I love that in a romance book. On the flip side though, I think the ending dragged too much, I think 50 to 100 pages less and that would have been perfect for me. Zander, under his playboy image, is a caring, faithful and loving guy. Stevie felt very real to me. She might seem confident on the outside but she actually struggles a lot about her body image. The chemistry between the both of them was amazing and I loved their banter throughout the book as well as the open conversation they have. We love characters who communicate with each other!
The relationships with the side characters were also amazing, which I always appreciate.
What I particularly liked were the different reps : the diversity, the plus size representation, mental health and therapy.
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Une belle histoire lue en anglais!
J'ai apprécié l'évolution des protagonistes. C'est grâce à leur rencontre qu'ils se sont réveillés et ont compris leur valeur.
He fall first
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Cette romance a vraiment tout pour me plaire : un couple trop choupi avec du caractère, de bonnes valeurs autour de la confiance en soi et de la santé mentale, tout plein de chiens (je parle pas des hockeyeurs... désolée, c'était facile et gratuit ^^), des personnages secondaires ultra attachants et une relation qui prend son temps pour évoluer comme il faut.

Ca aurait pu être un coup de coeur, mais je pense que j'ai trouvé quand même quelques longueurs à l'ensemble, mais ça reste une lecture tellement agréable que je ne vais sans doute pas tarder à enchainer sur le tome 2 (qui est un tome compagnon).

Bref, si vous lisez en anglais, je vous le conseille ++
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Pas mal, Zanders est vraiment bien décrit, avec tous ses bijoux bien bling et des tenues extravangantes.
Malgré tout trop long, aurait mérité quelques coupes, mais ça fait du bien de lire une romance avec une héroïne qui n'est pas ultra mince pour une fois et non blanche.
Moments préférés sont ceux avec les chiens au refuge.
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Citations et extraits (3) Ajouter une citation
"You don't have to love your body every single day. That's unrealistic to expect, but I'll be here loving it for the days you can't."
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'It hurts a whole lot less to be hated when you’re not being yourself than it does not to be loved for who you are,' he continues. 'As much as I tell people I enjoy the hate, I want to be loved more than anything, but I’m not ready to risk rejection yet.'
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'You're my first choice, Vee. My only choice'. I brush her curls away from her freckled face. 'Whether that's in Chicago or any other city. It's just you'
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