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EAN : 9789887849315
13 pages
SendPoints Publishing Co., Ltd (01/06/2024)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
Red, Yellow, Blue, known as the “"ree Primary Colors”, are the most fundamental elements in the color wheel, as well as the most classic colors with lasting visual enjoyment. From De Stijl to Bauhaus, and to now, masterpieces in red, yellow and blue in art and design have proofed to be quite remarkable. Our new book, Super RYB, aiming to covey the concept of “even the rudimentary color can breed great inspiration”, will provide readers with easy and interesting illu... >Voir plus
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Surnoms de personnages célèbres

"Le vert-galant"

Louis XV
Louis IX
Louis-Philippe Ier
Henri IV

15 questions
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