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EAN : 9781607510635
Harvest House Publishers (01/01/2008)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Michelle McKinney Hammond, bestselling author of "The Last Ten Percent, " pens her second novel and explores the heartache that can come when women try to play God in their own lives.

"Hope deferred makes the heart sick." After seven years as a counselor, the once idealistic Tamara Roberts has absorbed so much of the loss, doubts, and trials of her clients that she begins to question how God can let so much hurt happen in the lives of good people. Co... >Voir plus
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"Life is not fair, Tracy, but God is." Muriel leaned forward. "There are some things we can't figure out. We have to accept them as part of a plan that is so much bigger than us that perhaps we won't understand how all the pieces fit until much later."
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I know my life must look perfect to you, but things are not always what they seem. I'm not going to go down the long laundry list of my struggles, but life isn't easy for anybody.
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How To Be Found By The Man You've Been Looking For -- Michelle McKinney-Hammond
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Les Amants de la Littérature

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