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EAN : 9798636412731
214 pages
Reddaren Publishing (17/04/2020)
5/5   2 notes
Résumé :
Diplomat of Uram, winner of the Fantasy Critics Award in 2020, tells the story of Rann: a farmer who must use his intelligence and his newly acquired fighting skills to solve a complicated conspiracy in foreign lands.

The novel has been praised by the specialized critics for its fresh and innovative approach to the fantasy genre, as well as for the intelligent dialogues and twists of its addictive plot. Richard R. Matthews is a British author and uni... >Voir plus
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (2) Ajouter une critique
Un très bon livre. Les personnages sont fascinants, et l'histoire est très intéressante. J'aime l'idée de mélanger fantaisie et diplomatie dans un livre. le développement du personnage principal est également bien fait. Je recommande ce livre si vous aimez lire la fantaisie en anglais. Original et frais!
Commenter  J’apprécie          20
One of the best fantasy books I have read lately. It's in English so I had to check the dictionary a few times, but the book was worth it. Action, adventure, diplomacy... this book has it all!
Lien : http://www.officialeditions...
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Citations et extraits (1) Ajouter une citation
If Diplomacy were easy, Rann, everyone could do it, Don't you think?
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