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EAN : 9781491061381
136 pages
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (01/01/2013)
2/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Mrs. Mystery is compilation of short mysteries featuring amateur sleuths, a spinster, and a secret agent. Most of the stories are set in England. It also comprises mystery poetry and a Sci-Fi short mystery. Visit or
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Ce livre, de grand format non stardard, a été entièrement conçu par l'auteure (texte, illustrations et mise en page). Les gros caractères en facilitent la lecture. Les histoires sont intéressantes, mais trop courte. L'auteure consacre davantage de temps à la description des personnages qu'au déroulement de l'intrigue. le (ou la) détective présente donc ses conclusions sans avoir donné la chance au lecteur d'étudier les indices. L'auteure, qui est également pasteure, vise à illustrer différents passages de la Bible à travers ses histoires de détective. Malheureusement, à mon humble avis, ce but n'est pas tout à fait atteint.
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Citations et extraits (5) Ajouter une citation
Maxine continued excitedly a she enunciated emphatically, “I mean I was right there when it happened and don’t tell grandma because she’ll tell everyone and their mother. You know her mouth is like a sieve; it can’t hold water.”
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“(…) I don’t understand why anyone would want to murder Emma unless it was a burglar or perhaps someone insane. She wasn’t a troublemaker…just a talebearer…but she told the truth in doing so.”
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“The reason that you all never get the murderer right is because you all try to guess as opposed to analyzing the facts and arriving at a realistic conclusion. (…)”
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“(…) Somebody told me a long time ago that whenever there’s millions of dollars involved, some people don’t care about who they hurt.”
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Malcolm is a handsome older gentleman that has a smooth deep complexion with a decent set of teeth that happen to be is own.
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Roger-Jon Ellory : " **** le silence"


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