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Résumé :
The Wanderer or Female Difficulties is the tale of a penniless emigree from Revolutionary France trying to earn her living in England while guarding her own secrets. Combining the best elements of the Gothic and historical novels, this newly appreciated work is an extraordinary piece of Romantic fiction. Burney's tough comedy offers a satiric view of complacent middle-class insularity that echoes Godwin and Wollstonecraft's attacks on the English social structure. T... >Voir plus
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Here, and thus felicitously, ended with the acknowledgement of her name, and her family, the DIFFICULTIES of the WANDERER ; -a being who had been cast upon herself ; a female Robinson Crusoe, as unaided and unprotected, though in the midst of the world, as that imaginary hero in his uninhabited island ; and reduced either to sink, through inanition, to nonentity, or to be rescued from famine and death by such resources as she could find, independently, in herself.
How mighty, thus circumstanced, are the DIFFICULTIES with which a FEMALE has to struggle ! Her honour always in danger of being assailed, her delicacy of being offended, her strength of being exhausted, and her virtue of being calumniated !
Yet even DIFFICULTIES such as these are not insurmontable, where mental courage, operating through patience, prudence, and principle, supply physical force, combat disappointment, and keep the untamed spirits superior to failure, and ever alive to hope.
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Connaissez-vous vraiment Frances Burney?

Quel est le titre du premier roman publié de sa carrière?

Evelina or or, A Young Lady's Entrance into the World
Cecilia, or, Memoirs of an Heiress
The Witlings

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