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Vidéos de Sheila Kohler (5)
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28 septembre 2018
The Writing Life with Sheila Kohler
28 septembre 2018
Sheila Kohler @ The American Library in Paris | 7 February 2017
Sheila Kohler returns to the library to speak, this time about her memoir telling the story of her late sister. When she was thirty-seven, she received the heart-stopping news that her sister Maxine, only two years older, was killed when her husband drove them off a deserted road in Johannesburg. Stunned by the news, she immediately flew back to the country where she was born, determined to find answers and forced to reckon with his history of violence and the lingering effects of their most unusual childhood—one marked by death and the misguided love of their mother.
28 septembre 2018
Sheila Kohler reads from Once We Were Sisters
missmolko116 avril 2012
Bande annonce du film "Cracks" adapté du roman Splash de Sheila Kohler.
videos10 février 2012
Sheila Kohler - Quand j'étais Jane Eyre .
Sheila Kohler vous présente son ouvrage "Quand j'étais Jane Eyre" aux éditions de la Table Ronde, collection Quai voltaire. Rentrée littéraire 2012. de Musique : Schubert - 7 Gretchen am Spinnrade, op. 2

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Qui suis-je ? Les auteurs en A

J'ai écrit Le grand Meaulnes. Je suis mort au Sud de Verdun durant la première guerre mondiale. Qui suis-je ?

Jean Anouilh
Alain-Fournier (de son vrai nom Henri-Alban Fournier)
Guillaume Apollinaire
Marguerite Audoux

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