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EAN : 9781848427631
344 pages
Nick Hern Books (25/10/2018)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
Very few playwrights can be identified from a single line of dialogue - debbie tucker green is one of them. This collection of her first six plays, together with a short introduction by the author, shows a dramatic artist in full control of her craft.

born bad Hampstead Theatre, 2003; winner of the Olivier Award for Best Newcomer) dives headlong into the heart of a conflicted family, unleashing wit, ferocity and verbal dexterity on the way. 'One of th... >Voir plus

Videos de Debbie Tucker Green (14) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Debbie Tucker Green
random/generations | Trailer | Chichester Festival Theatre A look into the world of our productions of random and generations by debbie tucker green, playing at the Minerva Theatre from 4 May - 2 June 2018. Directed by Tinuke Craig.
autres livres classés : théâtreVoir plus

Autres livres de Debbie Tucker Green (4) Voir plus

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Quiz Voir plus

Titres d'oeuvres célèbres à compléter

Ce conte philosophique de Voltaire, paru à Genève en 1759, s'intitule : "Candide ou --------"


10 questions
1302 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : littérature française , roman , culture générale , théâtre , littérature , livresCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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