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EAN : 9781250621436
304 pages
St. Martin's Griffin (02/04/2019)
3.75/5   2 notes
Résumé :
Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius was the final famous Stoic philosopher of the ancient world. The Meditations, his personal journal, survives to this day as one of the most loved self-help and spiritual classics of all time. In How to Think Like a Roman Emperor, cognitive psychotherapist Donald Robertson weaves the life and philosophy of Marcus Aurelius together seamlessly to provide a compelling modern-day guide to the Stoic wisdom followed by countless individuals th... >Voir plus
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Citations et extraits (2) Ajouter une citation
Whose soul do I now have? Am I behaving like a child, a tyrant, a sheep, a wolf, or am I fulfilling my true potential as a rational being?
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I was not; I was; I am not; I do not care.
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Thèmes : spiritualité , philosophieCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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