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Frank Tieri (Autre)Marcelo Ferreira (Autre)
EAN : 9791039128797
112 pages
Panini France (10/07/2024)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
What's red and black with dead all over? Carnage takes on Deadpool once again in the mother of all sequels - and this time it's absolute chaos! At long last, Wade Wilson is ready to get his head on straight, so the Merc with a Mouth checks himself into the prestigious Ravencroft Institute. Unfortunately, the facility has another new arrival: the symbiotic psychopath called Carnage! And he isn't there for a group therapy session...! Madness and mayhem abound in the c... >Voir plus
Que lire après Deadpool Vs. Absolute CarnageVoir plus

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Comics : Les héros de Marvel

Elle peut se dématérialiser, et ainsi traverser les objets solides, les murs, les plafonds ... Il s'agit bien sûr de ...

Kate Winslet
Kitty Pryde
Hello Kitty
Katy Perry

10 questions
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