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windmill books (11/09/2014)

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Résumé :
This is the Booker Prize-winning novel from 'the Chekhov of suburbia', Stanley Middleton. Rejacketed and republished by Windmill for the anniversary of its 1974 win. Edwin Fisher has fled to a seaside resort of his childhood past to try to come to terms with the death of his baby son and the collapse of his marriage to Meg. On this strange and lonely holiday, as he seeks to understand what went wrong, Edwin must find some way to think about what he has been and deci... >Voir plus

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Jérusalem dans la culture

L'Entrée du Christ à Jérusalem est un tableau peint en 1897 représentant l'entrée de Jésus à Jérusalem juché sur un âne blanc. Il est l'oeuvre du peintre: (Indice: Académique)

Théodore Géricault,
Jean-Léon Gérôme
Paul Gauguin

12 questions
33 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : israël , Israéliens , jerusalem , littérature , adapté au cinéma , cinema , culture générale , orient , judaisme , ville sainte , peinture , Arts et beaux livres , beaux-artsCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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