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EAN : 9780553587500
352 pages
Spectra; Second Printing edition (28/12/2004)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
Once Jenny Casey was somebody’s daughter. Once she was somebody’s enemy. Now the former Canadian special forces warrior lives on the hellish streets of Hartford, Connecticut, in the year 2062. Racked with pain, hiding from the government she served, running with a crime lord so she can save a life or two, Jenny is a month shy of fifty, and her artificially reconstructed body has started to unravel. But she is far from forgotten. A government scientist needs the perf... >Voir plus

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Retrouvez le bon adjectif dans le titre - (6 - polars et thrillers )

Roger-Jon Ellory : " **** le silence"


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Thèmes : littérature , thriller , romans policiers et polarsCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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