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Biographie :

Lily Mayne est une autrice qui écrit ce qu'elle aime lire : des histoires d'amour à la fois douces et grinçantes dans des décors inhabituels. Elle aime cuisiner, faire de la pâtisserie, et regarder des films d'horreurs. Elle vit au Royaume-Uni avec son mari et plusieurs boules de fourrure.

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"There is so much I want to say to you."

My smile turned into a shaky grin as I looked up at him, my fingers still wrapped around the leather straps of his harness

"I'm ready to hear all of it."

He let out a soft rumble of amusement

"My Adam." He brought his hands around to cup my face, big thumbs smoothing over my cheekbones. "I love you."

His voice was a low, deep rumble. Still hoarse and rusty, but so wonderful that I just wanted to close my eyes and listen to him talk forever. For what felt like the millionth time in just a few days, I started blubbering.

"I love you too", I rushed out, burying my face in his neck and wrapping my legs around his waist when he hefted me into his arms. "I love you so much I can't believe we did it."

"You did it." He nuzzled my temple, his big body shuddering as he finally got to breathe in my scent. "And I can believe it. I knew you would."
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Gloam stopped, looking over at me as I pulled off my gloves and mask. I walked over to the cage and smiled nervously at the beastie inside, who was already watching me with its big, solid greeny-blue eyes. Its head cocked, and after a second its small mouth quirked into an unnatural-looking smile of its own, like it was copying me.

"Bye," I said quietly, but I realised that I couldn't see anything resembling ears on the sides of its head. There were raised patterns over its skin, but no protrusions or holes.

It had watched me closely as I spoke, and I saw its small mouth purse as though it was trying to mimic what mine had done as I said the word.

I jumped a little when it raised a hand, but all it did was press it to the glass in front of me. Hesitantly, I did the same. I could have sworn that for a split-second, I saw its three fingers morph into five, like mine, its skin shifting to match my tone before it dropped its hand.
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
When I moved to sit up, something crinkled against my hand. Wiping my bleary eyes, I unfolded the slip of paper that had been tucked into my loose fist while I slept. It was a torn-out page from our notebook.

O Hein nor Faie wi no Aedonimus ag ni Boetna.

I stared at the words I could tell Gloam had written it, but his handwriting was shaky and more jagged than usual. Like it had taken him effort, and time, to get the words down.
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
Their hair was long and white, half of it tied back from their face in complicated braids. Their androgynous face was almost too perfect—too beautiful—and oddly familiar. But that could have just been the nature of their appearance—it was somehow like no one else alive, and a million other people all at once. Blank enough to be forgettable, but I knew there was no way I would ever, ever forget it as I stared up at them.
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
"You are my Androcles."

I grinned shakily even as I asked, "Who?"

He chuckled. "The slave who pulled the thorn from the lion's paw."

"Oh." I had only vague recollections of the story, but I still flushed with pleasure.

"And like the lion," —Gloam reached out and cupped my chin—"I will be loyal to you always, my Adam. I will never leave your side."
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
"I knew you weren't ugly. I told you."

It was the least important thing in the world in that moment, but I had to say it. I had to tell him how I felt—what it meant to finally see him.

"You're perfect," I croaked, fresh tears welling.
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
You are my greatest weakness—not my true name, or any compulsion I can be put under. But you are the one I gladly carry. I would do anything for you, just as you have done everything for me.
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
I hate what you have gone through for me. I hate that you walked away from everything you knew for me. But I am weak, because I cannot bring myself to regret any of it.
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
O Lanyr nor Faie Aedonimus ag ni Boetna elt Lonor no nirith om Wome.
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
Movement to my left caught my attention, eyes snapping that way as a tall figure appeared from a doorway. Wearing a grey coat with the hood up over all black clothes, I couldn't see his face—but I definitely noticed the jagged horns protruding from his hood. Those things were weapons in their own right, even if the right was quite a bit longer than the left.

I noticed the long white fingers with their blackened tips, adorned in rings that looked like they were made from bone. My stomach twisted at the casual predatory grace with which he moved, as he leaned his shoulder on the door jamb, crossing his arms and looking totally at ease.

Wyn of the Wild Hunt. Wyn the Soul Eater.
Commenter  J’apprécie          10

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