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Sana Takeda (Autre)
EAN : 9781419758706
208 pages
Harry N. Abrams (11/10/2022)
3/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Chinese American twins, Milly and Billy, are having a tough time. On top of the multiple failures in their personal and professional lives, they're struggling to keep their restaurant afloat. Luckily their parents, Ipo and Keon, are in town for their annual visit. Having immigrated from Hong Kong before the twins were born, Ipo and Keon have supported their children through thick and thin and are ready to lend a hand--but they're starting to wonder, has their suppor... >Voir plus
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Valse !

Comédie policière française réalisée par Georges Lautner en 1971. "Laisse aller, c'est ..."

un tango
un chacha
une valse
un foxtrot

13 questions
27 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : danse , chanson , littérature , cinema , fables , sculpture , valseCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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