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Sphere (03/05/2022)
3.78/5   47 notes
Résumé :
A scientist should never cohabitate with her annoyingly hot nemesis - it leads to combustion.

Mara, Sadie, and Hannah are friends first, scientists always. Though their fields of study might take them to different corners of the world, they can all agree on this universal truth: when it comes to love and science, opposites attract and rivals make you burn...

As an environmental engineer, Mara knows all about the delicate nature of ecosy... >Voir plus
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (4) Ajouter une critique
I have read it under one format "Loathe to Love you", threee stories together and I believe this is how AH meant it to be.

- "Under one roof" is the typical love to hate story, a kind of "Pride&Prejudice" inspired relationship. He is mysterious, sexy and a bit obnoxious, Mara is strong, defensive and set in her ways. Together they find something special and even though there are no much surprises, AH used her great talents to again captivate us. We enjoy them living together even when forced, the last thing we hope for is that she moves away.

- "Stuck with you" also develop a kind of love to hate story but the main plot is based on assumptions. Though the male character seemed fantastic, Sadi assumed she knew him or understood all, so she rejected love before giving him a chance to explain... well, being stuck together in an elevator should give him a chance to tell the truth!

- "Below zero" starts with a real strong attraction on both part and expectations separating them. The relationship doesn't have much chance to develop because he is sweet and sincere, but we mostly focus on Hannah who was a lot of personal and social issues. But she finds somebody who wants to be there for her and little by little she can accept it.

Why read these threee books together and in this order? Because the three heroines are very good friends. They are appart now but Mara, Sadi and Hannah still belong to each others life. The more we read, the more we learn on the tree of them and by the end of the third story they are reunited, and their men become friends as well. It is a nice progression.
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Je ne sais pas ce qu'Ali Hazelwood met dans ses livres, ni comment elle parvient à nous faire tomber de ses personnages masculins, mais je ne me vois pas arrêter de la lire. Et bordel, le personnage de Liam m'a complètement retourné.e (Adam, je crois que tu as du soucis à te faire).

Under One Roof était tellement bien, j'ai lu la novella d'une traite. J'avoue avoir été assez frustré.e qu'elle soit aussi court (honnêtement, il y a largement de quoi faire un roman).

Ali Hazelwood est définitivement devenue une valeur sûre en matière de romance (pour moi).
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Lu en anglais (mais aurait du s'abstenir)
Je voudrais pouvoir écrire une seule critique pour tous les romans de Ali Hazelwood...
C'est quand même très piteux.
C'est absolument tout le temps la même chose.
Je pense même que l'on peut ressortir des phrases entières identiques dans chaque bouquin.
Genre qu'il avait de beaux bras musclés, genre qu'il avait pas de capotes, mais c'est pas grave parce que elle est sous pilule...
J'oserai même un "ces livres sont toxiques pour la jeune génération", moi je suis vieille, je m'en fous, mais honnêtement, qu'elle vision ridicule du couple et de la sexualité.
Je pense, Ali Hazelwood, qu'il faut arrêter la drogue...
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I loved it.

I don't really know what to say, I loved the characters, the story with Helena was touching. It was funny and a little frustrating and despite the fact that I'm a fairly slow reader, I finished this book in 5 days! (Don't judge me, I really am a slow reader)

The last chapter was so good ! 🔥🔥
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Citations et extraits (4) Ajouter une citation
I should start dating again.
Should I start dating again?
Yeah. I should. Except that... men. No, thank you.
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He is going to ruin me for anyone else. He is going to destroy me in each and every possible way.
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See, that's the thing I hate the most about adulting: at some point, one has to start doing it.
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Cheer up, buddy. I don't think you're as doomed to a lifetime pinning as you think.
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Videos de Ali Hazelwood (2) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Ali Hazelwood
Extrait du livre audio « The Love Hypothesis » de Ali Hazelwood, traduit par Pauline Buscail, lu par Florine Orphelin. Parution numérique le 19 juillet 2023.
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Les plus populaires : Roman d'amour Voir plus
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