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4.3/5 (sur 66 notes)

Nationalité : États-Unis
Biographie :

Liz Tomforde est auteure de romance contemporaine.

Elle vit dans le comté de Sonoma, en Californie.

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Bibliographie de Liz Tomforde   (3)Voir plus

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Vidéo de

Becoming Selfish - Liz Tomforde (Quick Cherry Publishing)

Citations et extraits (14) Voir plus Ajouter une citation
'Why do you like reading fiction so much?' He asks without a hint of judgement.
'How else would you get to live a thousand lives in the span of only one? The beauty of fiction is that it makes you feel things on a visceral level. You can cry with those characters, laugh with them. It teaches you to look at another’s perspective, to have empathy. In nonfiction, you simply learn about something instead of feeling it.'
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
-Why do you like reading fiction so much?
-How else would you get to live a thousand lives in the span of only one? The beauty of fiction is that it makes you feel things on a visceral level. You can cry with those characters, laugh with them. It teaches you to look at another’s perspective, to have empathy. In nonfiction, you simply learn about something instead of feeling it. 
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
"You don't have to love your body every single day. That's unrealistic to expect, but I'll be here loving it for the days you can't."
Commenter  J’apprécie          10
She’s not just a happy-go-lucky girl with no perception of the terrible parts of life. She doesn’t shit rainbows or believe in unicorns, but she feels everything. Every emotion good or bad and for that reason alone she’s a breath of fresh air in my life. She’s living and I both admire her for it and am envious beyond belief. 
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
I’m sorry someone let you believe you were hard to love, because, Blue, it’s the easiest thing I’ve ever done. 
Commenter  J’apprécie          10
'It hurts a whole lot less to be hated when you’re not being yourself than it does not to be loved for who you are,' he continues. 'As much as I tell people I enjoy the hate, I want to be loved more than anything, but I’m not ready to risk rejection yet.'
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
But I spend a lot of your money. 
And I’m messy. You don’t like messy.
I like your mess.
And I’m needy. I have no idea how to be alone.
Good. I don’t want you to be alone. I want you to be with me.
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
I’m trying to get along with my teammates, and now I’m fighting the urge to get them all traded just from imagining you giving any of them the time of day. Jealous enough for you, Blue? 
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
At some point, I should probably tell her that my love language is whichever one she wants it to be so she can stop guessing. I’ll make sure that girl feels loved however she needs.
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
'You're my first choice, Vee. My only choice'. I brush her curls away from her freckled face. 'Whether that's in Chicago or any other city. It's just you'
Commenter  J’apprécie          00

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