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3.81/5 (sur 8 notes)

Nationalité : États-Unis
Né(e) à : Cleveland, Ohio , le 18/03/1958
Biographie :

David Deida, né David Greenberg, est mondialement connu pour ses séminaires sur l'éveil et les relations hommes-femmes.

Enseignant, David Deida a animé des séminaires de développement personnel à l'Université de Californie à Santa Cruz, au Lexington Institute de Boston et à l'École polytechnique de Paris, entre autres.

Ses livres, best-sellers, sont publiés dans plus de 25 langues.

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Bibliographie de David Deida   (7)Voir plus

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David Deida 04 The Dance Of Masculine And Feminine

Citations et extraits (2) Ajouter une citation
Cette source ne change jamais et est toujours présente.
Elle est le chant silencieux et constant qui sous-tend et imprègne la musique de la vie.
Immergez-vous dans cette source, ressentez-la aussi profondément que possible, puis revenez à votre travail, à
votre vie privée, à votre famille, à vos efforts créatifs. Quand vous gagnez de l'argent, faites-le à partir de cette source. Voyez ce qu'il arrive aux détails de votre vie quand vous vivez de manière
plus constante à partir de cette source.
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David Deida
Many men feel burdened by life. They don’t feel at home in life. For them, life is something either to master or to escape. Rather than relaxing as a lover of life, most men attempt to “win”and be victorious in life or “retreat” and escape from its demands. To most men,life is something “out there,” and it has to be dealt with. Especially women.

Women are raw life.They are life in your face.They give you life’s
sweetest fruits and most bitter fruits.

Very little in life is more delightful or burdensome to you than a woman. Most men can handle financial calamity, creative struggles, and natural catastrophes with greater aplomb than they can handle their woman’s moods, needs, desires, and energy. Women are as good and bad as life gets, for most men.

Sometimes woman and life are good, sometimes not so good, but almost always you are waiting for more, that imaginary time in the future, “one day.” You probably suffer from the masculine delusion that if you work hard enough now, one day things will be different. You may not be living your life exactly how you want to right now, but one day you will. Maybe even one day your woman won’t be quite so bothersome.

The masculine error is to live life as if it is going somewhere fundamentally different from this very moment. It is not. Life in this moment is as deeply fulfilling, blissful, and free as you are willing to be, right now. And the same is true of every moment.

Your capacity to relax as the openness of the moment does change over time — and not always for the better — but the things that you do in your life never amount to a fundamental change in how fulfilled or free you are in any particular moment. And neither do changes in your woman.

No matter how much your life or woman changes, you will not be satisfied as long as you are waiting to be satisfied, waiting for things to be different. To not be fully relaxed as consciousness, coincident with the pleasures and struggles of this very moment, is to postpone that for which you are waiting. And this is why your woman reacts so strongly to your lack of presence even for a moment — during sex.

David Deida - Finding God Through Sex
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Couleur: Noir

Le Quadrangle, appelé aussi Carré noir sur fond blanc, est une huile sur toile peinte en 1915 par:

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