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Peter Dennis (Illustrateur)
EAN : 9781841767123
64 pages
Osprey Publishing (UK) (25/05/2004)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
The original forced conversion of pagan Livonia, what is now the Baltic states of Latvia and Estonia, was carried out by a military order known as the Brethren of the Sword. In 1236 this order was incorporated into the Teutonic Knights following a catastrophic military defeat. The knights had always consolidated their conquests through networks of castles and fortified places, and the Livonian Chapter of the Teutonic Order built castles of stone. This title covers t... >Voir plus
Que lire après Crusader Castles of the Teutonic Knights (2) The stone castles of Latvia and Estonia 1185–1560Voir plus

autres livres classés : estonieVoir plus

Lecteurs (2) Voir plus

Quiz Voir plus

Quelle guerre ?

Autant en emporte le vent, de Margaret Mitchell

la guerre hispano américaine
la guerre d'indépendance américaine
la guerre de sécession
la guerre des pâtissiers

12 questions
3262 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : guerre , histoire militaire , histoireCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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