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EAN : 9781783193370
472 pages
Oberon Books (02/05/2016)
5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
This is the first collection from critically acclaimed playwright Duncan Macmillan, containing the plays Monster, Lungs, Every Brilliant Thing, 2071 and People, Places and Things. Monster: "He's got zero empathy. You could be having a conversation and start choking to death and he'd just think, 'Well, this conversation's over'. He'd probably just sit there and finish eating whatever you were choking on." An inexperienced teacher is given the job of saving a disturbe... >Voir plus
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W - Ten thousand tonnes of CO2. That’s the weight of the Eiffel Tower. I’d be giving birth to the Eiffel Tower

M - You / wouldn’t be giving

W - and if we had a second it doesn’t just double because the chances of them reproducing and how many they might have and how many their children’s children might have and how many their children’s children’s children might have goes up exponentially. Fuck recycling or electric cars, fuck energy efficient fucking light bulbs, unless educated, thoughtful people like us stop making babies the world is totally fucked fucked.

M - We should talk about this

W - We are talking about it, it’s fucking nuts it’s fucking terrifying it’s the taboo, the last real taboo. / There is no incentive to save lives right now, there is no incentive to to to to to cure AIDS or whatever, to keep people alive, what we need is the planet to fucking purge us, fucking drown us, burn us, cull everyone by about tho thirds.

M - What’s happening now? What’s actually happening in your mind? What have you been reading? Because really it’s important to check your sources thoroughly. There’s a lot of scaremongering and I know you know that, I know you know all of that. You tell me off for the stuff I read because it’s too too too I don’t know

W - Fucking, hurricanes. Flood. Fucking volcanoes. Earthquake. Tsunamis. Bring it on.
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L'écologiste mystère

Quel mot concerne à la fois le métro, le papier, les arbres et les galères ?


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261 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : écologie , developpement durable , Consommation durable , protection de la nature , protection animale , protection de l'environnement , pédagogie , mers et océansCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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