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EAN : 9780553276824
240 pages
Bantam Books Inc (01/06/1972)
3/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Logan Sackett had run the wild trails since near to when he was born...picked up a few horses here and yon and some cattle too...rode the back trails with the bunch...he'd been around. But he'd never bothered womenfolk and he got mighty angry with those who did - especially when the victim was an untamable lady named Emily Talon - born a Sackett!
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To the north and east lay the Hole-in-the-Wall country; north and west from there, the Crazy Mountains with the border of Canada beyond. To the southwest of Brown's Hole lay Utah's San Rafael Swell with its Robbers' Roost, and South of that, Horse Thief Valley near Prescott, and a ranch near Alma, New Mexico. This was the country of the so-called Outlaw Trail.
In fact it was a maze of trails, obvious and hidden, and along those trails ranchers or homesteaders were friendly to drifting men, asking no questions, and providing no information to strangers.
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Les personnages de Lucky Luke

Je suis le personnage secondaire "réel" le plus présent dans la série et je fais ma première apparition dans l'album "Hors-la-loi". Dès ma deuxième apparition, dans "Lucky Luke contre Joss Jamon", je prends les traits d'un jeune bandit coléreux, petit, nez retroussé, taches de rousseurs et incisives en avant, je suis la parfaite caricature des jeunes adolescents.

Lucky Luke
Jolly Jumper
Joe Dalton
Billy the Kid
Calamity Jane
Roy Bean
Buffalo Bill
Jesse James
Sarah Bernhardt
Wyatt Earp
Abraham Lincoln
Edwin Drake
Mark Twain
Allan Pinkerton

15 questions
158 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : bd jeunesse , bande dessinée , bande dessinée humour , western , western humoristique , bd franco-belge , personnages , Personnages fictifsCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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