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Michel Jan (Éditeur scientifique)
EAN : 9782913490048
315 pages
le Serpent de mer (30/11/-1)
4.25/5   4 notes
Résumé :
Peu de régions du monde offrent, comme la Haute Asie chinoise, un ensemble aussi riche de récits de voyages et d'aventures. La traversée de la Mongolie et du Tibet par Hisao Kimura, jeune Japonais naïf et audacieux lancé au début des années 1940, et pendant plus de dix ans, dans l'univers silencieux du renseignement, s'inscrit dans cette lignée.

Fort de sa connaissance du mongol, appris dans un monastère, et déguisé en lama, il part en 1943 vers le C... >Voir plus
Que lire après Aventures d'un espion japonais au Tibet: mes dix ans incognito à travers l'AsieVoir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
I am curious about Janpanese and tibet and Qinghai. so this book has both. A young japanese joined the army and was sent to Tibet for a mission. Before that he was completely adapted to his life in the inner Mongolia. He masters the language as well.
With couple of expeditions from innner mongolia->qinghai Tsaidam basin (captured as prisioners for 15 months)->Nagchuka->Kalimpong India->Lhassa (from 1943-1950). During that unstable war period, they were thrown themselves in the hard trips in the high montains and bandits with very limited supplies. They pretended to be buddha pilgrim. Some of them were really religious but Hisao Kimura was more than that. His buddha was more the large than life advendurious spirits living in him. It does not bother him to sleep in the tent that bears to cover his head. It does not bother him to walk 24 hours day by climibing 4000 m montains. It does not bother him to be captured or hurt by desert thieves or bandits. He survived and carried on his advenctures. To see new things and meet new people are better than staying in the confort zone.
I was born in Ningxia where it seems to be nomadeland and independant when Hisao was there. Its still quite deserted and under-developped till these days. It raises so many memories. The sand storms attacks. The blazing sun hugs the dry and arid land. People normally cover themselves with scarfs from the sun and the sand. They are tanned by the high uv sun and blanded in the vast yellow earth land. Yellow, blue are the colors wtih great transparency. Looking afar, there is only the montains and yellow lands. This is the place I want to escape. I told myself when I was young. I want to go to places where there are more colors and more trees. but in my blood and deep in my heart, its my homeland.
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