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256 pages
Scribe; Media tie-in edition (27/06/2011)
4/5   2 notes
Résumé :
2006, Berlin. The once-divided city still holds its share of secrets.

One afternoon, near the tourist trap of Checkpoint Charlie, Clare meets Andi. There is an instant attraction, and when Andi invites her to stay, Clare thinks she may finally have found somewhere to call home.

But as the days pass and the walls of Andi’s apartment close in, Clare begins to wonder if it’s really love that Andi is searching for … or something else altoge... >Voir plus
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Il s'agit du premier livre que je me donne la peine de lire en anglais, car l'histoire n'a pas été traduite. J'ai décidé d'acheter le livre sur ma liseuse après avoir vu le trailer du film qui sortira dans quelques semaines.
J'ai été surprise de la vitesse avec laquelle j'ai dévoré le livre, même si l'anglais n'est pas ma langue maternelle. Il est écrit simplement et on entre dans l'action dès les premières pages.
Ce que j'ai spécialement aimé du livre, c'est que l'on a un accès aux pensées des deux personnages principaux, ce qui aide à comprendre leurs agissements et leurs buts. Je conseille cette lecture troublante à tous, même à ceux qui hésiterai habituellement à entreprendre une lecture en anglais.
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Citations et extraits (2) Ajouter une citation
"I was here because I wanted to be here. I wanted to be with you. But you can't make me stay - you have to let me go."

She uses the past tense. His mind races. He was right - she would have left today if she could. He knows her, the way she works.

"I just thought it would be easiest, Clare. I did not want you to get lost in the city, I was worried about you out there alone. "

She looks at him as though she does not recognise him. As though he is an annoyance she wants to kick away. She launches herself from the windowsill, and he tenses, prepares for her to shove him. But she comes up short in front of him, and this is worse, this not touching. It is a though she has already removed herself from the room.

"Andi, if you had left me the right key I would have gone out, I would have walked around the city, taken some photos and I would have come back. But you have totally fucked it up."
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"You locked the door, Andi! I've been stuck in here all day". Hands on hips, she stood her ground like a child.

He had lockes her in ? He looked from her to the door to the keys in his hand. Ran through his morning routine - and realises.

"Oh Clare! I'm so sorry! I did not think. Why did you not call me ?". He rushed towards her, grabbed her hands, a literal begging for forgiveness, He had locked the second lock as he did every morning when he left. What was he thinking ?

"But I don't have your number. I was stuck here. I was like being a prisoner."
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Combien y a-t-il de leçons sur la psychanalyse selon Freud ?


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