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The Merriwell Sisters tome 2 sur 2
EAN : 9781472288745
352 pages
Headline Eternal (08/11/2022)
3.67/5   3 notes
Résumé :
Diana Merriwell and Giles Sinclair only tolerate one another for the sake of their nearest and dearest. Everyone believes that the two of them are meant to be together, but Diana and Giles know that their constant pithy barbs come from a shared disdain—not a hidden attraction. Diana loves the freedom of working at the newspaper too much to give it up for marriage, and Giles is happily married to his bachelor lifestyle. But they do have one thing in common—the secret... >Voir plus
Que lire après Never Rescue a RogueVoir plus
Citations et extraits (1) Ajouter une citation
'I think he likes you, miss.'
'Oh, do shut up, Dalton.'
'And if you want my opinion—'
'I really don’t, Dalton.'
'I think you like him, too.'
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Grands noms, Petits boulots

Agent de change :

Paul Gaugui$n
Herman Melville
Le Corbusier
Arthur Conan Doyle

11 questions
3 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : littérature , peinture , Métiers , Écrivains français , écrivainCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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