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EAN : 9781473202399
304 pages
Gollancz (17/05/2018)
5/5   2 notes
Résumé :
Ragnarok was the End of Worlds.

Asgard fell, centuries ago, and the old gods have been defeated. Some are dead, while others have been consigned to eternal torment in the netherworld - among them, the legendary trickster, Loki. A god who betrayed every side and still lost everything, who has lain forgotten as time passed and the world of humans moved on to new beliefs, new idol and new deities . . .

But now mankind dreams of the Norse G... >Voir plus
Que lire après Loki, tome 2 : The testament of LokiVoir plus

Videos de Joanne Harris (2) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Joanne Harris
Trailer pour "De pêches pour Monsieur le curé".
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Quiz Voir plus

Professions des personnages de roman ( avec indices)

Charles, le mari d'Emma Bovary dans Mme Bovary de Gustave Flaubert Indice : hippocrate


15 questions
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