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EAN : 9781423104766
144 pages
Disney Editions (07/10/2008)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
The Alchemy of Animation: Making an Animated Film in the Modern Age is a step-by-step introduction to animated filmmaking from one of the foremost producers of animated features. By drawing (sorry!) upon more than seven decades of Disney's classic and beloved animated films, this stunning book explores the role of the directors, story artists, songwriters, and animators who each play an integral role in the creation of an animated feature.

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Livres et Films

Quel livre a inspiré le film "La piel que habito" de Pedro Almodovar ?

'Double peau'
'La mygale'
'La mue du serpent'
'Peau à peau'

10 questions
7195 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : Cinéma et littérature , films , adaptation , littérature , cinemaCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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