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Pocket Books (01/01/1936)

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Résumé :
4500 head of longhorns, it was the biggest herd ever driven down the Chisholm trail.
Cattleman Adam Brite and his men knew they'd be in for trouble. And they got it - Deadly Comanche raiders, trail rustlers, storms, floods, stampedes, sudden deaths !
But they found one thing they didn't expect - a lovely girl alone in the middle of the Trail. And that was one kind of trouble these cowboys didn't know how to handle.
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A grove of pecan and walnut trees and blackBerry bushes choked the upper end of the valley with green and yellow verdure. Below it a lazy shallow stream meandered between its borders of willow. Grass grew luxuriantly all through the bottomlands, and up the gentle slopes. Dust clouds were lifting here and there where the mustangs were rolling. The drivers threw saddles, blankets, and bridles to the ground, and flopped down after them. Gloves, sombreros, chaps and boots likewise went flying. The boys were disposed to be merry and to look each other over and take stock of the whistling cook.
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Nature writing

Quel philosophe est considéré comme le fondateur du Nature writing?

Ralph Waldo Emerson
Henry David Thoreau
Benjamin Franklin

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