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EAN : 9780671680664
Pocket Books (01/07/1975)

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Résumé :
On a wild, rough Oregon river, he faced a man's truest test.

Soldiering had left Keven Bell wounded and adrift, until he returned to Grant's Pass to find his reputation savaged. The unsavory Major Atwell had spread rumors that Kev was a violoator of wormen and a coward, to boot. Traveling down river, Kev escaped the laowmen hot on his trail, only to kill a man in self-defense. His fate seemed sealed, until a beautiful woman came to his aid with one in... >Voir plus
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Citations et extraits (2) Ajouter une citation
The river ran in every mood, except that of fury ; and each succeeding vista gathered beauty, unil the gleam of water and the Glory of the slopes seemed supernatural. The sun was westering ; the ripple took on a golden sheen, and the rocks over which they glided were gold ; black and dense rose the forested mountains to the white clouds, and ever the river seemed flowing on into endless solitude.
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On they traveled through a narrow gorge above white water, where at the brink natives had gathered to watch the voyagers pass their lonely homes, and down a long swift beautiful racecourse of shimmering water, and on still into wide peaceful reaches, to turn the curve which led into the river lane ending in magnificent Solitude.
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Videos de Zane Grey (18) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Zane Grey
"The Last of the Plainsmen" Livre vidéo Non sous-titré. Non traduit.
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Les personnages de Lucky Luke

Je suis le personnage secondaire "réel" le plus présent dans la série et je fais ma première apparition dans l'album "Hors-la-loi". Dès ma deuxième apparition, dans "Lucky Luke contre Joss Jamon", je prends les traits d'un jeune bandit coléreux, petit, nez retroussé, taches de rousseurs et incisives en avant, je suis la parfaite caricature des jeunes adolescents.

Lucky Luke
Jolly Jumper
Joe Dalton
Billy the Kid
Calamity Jane
Roy Bean
Buffalo Bill
Jesse James
Sarah Bernhardt
Wyatt Earp
Abraham Lincoln
Edwin Drake
Mark Twain
Allan Pinkerton

15 questions
158 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : bd jeunesse , bande dessinée , bande dessinée humour , western , western humoristique , bd franco-belge , personnages , Personnages fictifsCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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