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EAN : 9780061005237
Harper (01/01/1900)
3/5   1 notes
Résumé :
The thunderheads of war were about to burst open and rain an Indian attack on Fort Henry. The life of every man, woman, and child was at stake. When the violence came, everyone would have died if not for the courage of Colonel Zane's remarkable family, especially its legendary heroine, Betty Zane.
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In half an hour the full chorus of yelps, barks and howls swelled hideously on the air, and the ever-increasing pack of wolves could be seen scarcely a hundred yards behind the sleds. The patter of their swiftly flying feet on the snow could be distinctly heard. The slender, dark forms came nearer and nearer every moment. Presently the wolves had approached close enough for the occupants of the sled to see their shining eyes looking like little balls of green fire.
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"The Last of the Plainsmen" Livre vidéo Non sous-titré. Non traduit.
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Nature writing

Quel philosophe est considéré comme le fondateur du Nature writing?

Ralph Waldo Emerson
Henry David Thoreau
Benjamin Franklin

10 questions
102 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : nature writing , écologie , littératureCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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