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EAN : 9780757318474
120 pages
Health Communications, Inc. (01/01/2014)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
For his 98th birthday, Kirk Douglas offers us an intimate look into his life. Through a collection of poetry, prose and photographs, he pulls the curtain all the way back exposing the bombs and blockbusters of both the personal and professional aspects. From uncomplicated poems written for his beloved wife, Ann, of 60 years, to poems written for his four boys when they were still small, Douglas' words are comical, sentimental, romantic, and sometimes painful. He cha... >Voir plus
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Ce récit autobiographique du célèbre acteur, alors âgé 98 ans, prouve bien que les années ne font pas disparaître le talent. Il faut dire que Kirk Douglas avait plusieurs cordes à son arc. Dans ce livre, le lecteur en apprend davantage sur l'homme et sur l'acteur, mais aussi sur l'auteur. Poèmes et photos viennent agrémenter son récit, qui est à la fois fascinant et inspirant.
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Citations et extraits (7) Voir plus Ajouter une citation
(…) when I looked out from the stage, I was stunned. My father was standing in the back of the auditorium. He was a gruff man who usually ignored me, but not this time. After the play, he took me out and bought me a vanilla ice cream cone. I felt like my father recognized me for the first time. That cone was better than any Oscar.
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Most love affairs, it’s sad but true
Bring grief for one and joy for two.
One heart is broken, while two are gay,
Two hearts beat in rapture—while one pines away.
It’s fair enough, you will agree
To sacrifice one heart for two.
It’s fair enough, my friend—unless
The broken heart belongs to you.
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Above me have flown many flags
But now my sails are torn to rags
My bows are white from swirling foam
As o’er the many seas I roam
But now there’s nothing left for me
I live in days that used to be.
(The Discarded Ship)
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“Who am I?” At the age of 98, I am still looking. I know that I have made mistakes and I have my share of regrets. But overall, life has been good to me. As they say in Yiddish, “It could be verse.”
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I became a “good father”,
It took me too long to see,
When I needed him
More than he needed me.
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Testez vos connaissances en poésie ! (niveau difficile)

Dans quelle ville Verlaine tira-t-il sur Rimbaud, le blessant légèrement au poignet ?


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