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EAN : 9780373745289
279 pages
Harlequin (01/01/2010)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
The mysterious blue-eyed stranger who showed up in the middle of the night wasn't just looking for work. No, when "John Samuels" signed on with Maggie Harper to restore the decrepit old house, he was hoping for answers and a chance to face the demons of his past. But then strange happenings started threatening his beautiful new boss--and disrupting the passion that sparked between them. Someone didn't want them in that house. Someone who knew the truth about what ha... >Voir plus
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Que lire après Stranger in a small townVoir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
J'aime beaucoup l'écriture de Kerry Connor. Elle sait comment ficeler une intrigue. À chaque fois, les 3 pages de son prologue suffisent à piquer ma curiosité. Ensuite, j'ai de la difficulté à poser le livre; j'ai trop hâte de découvrir la suite de l'histoire.
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Citations et extraits (3) Ajouter une citation
“It’s amazing how long some people cling to their high school days,” Irene said. “Especially in a small town. Half the men who played on that team when they were in high school still show up at games wearing their letterman jackets years later, the old fools If you can’t button the thing over your beer belly, you have no business wearing it as far as I’m concerned.”
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I’m not exactly on good terms with my father. In fact, I haven’t spoken to him in years. No small accomplishment in a town this size, as you can probably imagine.
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She’d called ahead to find out what time the library closed. From the tone of the woman on the phone, it had been a stupid question. No doubt the hours were common knowledge to the locals. No woman’s voice had seemed to convey the message that anyone who didn’t already know when the library was open wasn’t welcome to visit at any time.
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