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Toute la lumière que nous ne pouvons voir

C'est un roman magnifiquement écrit qui se déroule pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Anthony Doerr a un don pour créer des images vives et pour rendre les détails historiques réels. Les histoires de Marie-Laure Leblanc, une jeune fille aveugle, et de Werner Pfennig, un jeune homme allemand, sont poignantes et captivantes.

Cependant, malgré sa prose exceptionnelle, j’ai trouvé que le roman était un peu lent à certains moments. J’ai également eu l’impression que certains rebondissements de l’intrigue étaient un peu trop prévisibles. Je m’attendais à plus de surprises et de moments inattendus, étant donné le contexte dramatique pendant la guerre.

Dans l’ensemble, « Toute la lumière que nous ne pouvons pas voir » est une lecture décente mais pas aussi impressionnante que je l’espérais. Il s’agit certainement d’un roman qui restera dans les mémoires, mais il n’a pas atteint le même niveau de profondeur émotionnelle et de suspense que d’autres romans historiques de la Seconde Guerre mondiale que j’ai lus.
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I knew I wanted to read this book the moment I set eyes on it. Bright yellow cover, one word title – Butter. A novel by previously unknown (to me) author Asako Yuzuki. It jumped out to me from a pile of books at an airport bookshop. It’s a thriller, about food, notably butter, set in Japan. What’s not to like! More than that it is a story about work-until-you-drop Japanese women who feel forced to conform to stereotypes in order to fit in and avoid ridicule, from other women as well as men.

Reading the first few pages, I thought I had made a mistake – the translation appeared to be stilted and the prose of little interest. This changes quickly. As with most novels, a period of scene-setting is necessary. With Butter, it became obvious that the translation was perfect, it skillfully put the reader in the mind of a young Japanese woman, accent, mannerisms and all.

The story revolves around an alleged serial killer who draws in her prey with delicious food, including, of course, generous amounts of superior quality butter. I’ll say no more other than telling you that it is a wonderful mix of tasty ingredients that creates a story I didn’t want to finish. It also made me very hungry.

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Nous étions les Mulvaney

The Mulvaneys are a happy family with two loving parents, four children, and lots of animals on a big farm. But a single tragic event happens to the only daughter, fracturing their seemingly perfect existence. The story explores the slow dissolution of these six human beings and how each family member copes with the aftermath in their own way. As Oates knows so well, she explores the complexities of human relationships and the lasting impact of trauma. A thorough description of these intricate and very different lives, so close to reality and to what can happen in anyone’s life. Frightening.
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