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Nationalité : États-Unis
Né(e) à : Bangor, Maine , le 21/02/1977
Biographie :

Owen King est est un écrivain américain, romancier et nouvelliste.

Il est le dernier des trois enfants du couple d'écrivains américain Tabitha et Stephen King.

Il étudie au Vassar College puis à l'Université Columbia, dont il sort diplômé d'un Master of Fine Arts et où il rencontre sa future femme, l'écrivain Kelly Braffet (1976), en 2001.

Son premier livre, un recueil de nouvelles intitulé "We’re All in This Together", est publié en 2005. Son premier roman, "Double Feature", est publié en 2013.

En 2017 paraît "Sleeping Beauties", signé à quatre mains avec son père.

site officiel :

Source : Wikipedia
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Citations et extraits (3) Ajouter une citation
When it comes to the legends and lore of the superheroic, more often than not, most spandex-clad stalwarts fight crime in cities. Superman protects Metropolis. Batman looms over the nocturnal streets of Gotham. Spider-Man swings high above New York City. Of course, these larger-than-life characters are fictitious creations, sprung from the imaginative minds of Shuster, Siegel, Kane and Lee. In the real world, heroes are far less archetypal, considerably less cut, and they often hail from the most everyday, most mundane of milieus.
They also have lucrative endorsement deals.
This is certainly the case with Earth's Most Unlikely Super Team - The Quick Stop 5."
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" You know the ad for Sea-Monkeys in the back of the comic books? That's my family: the Szymunskis. Dad, Mom, my brother, Cousteau, and my sister, Nerissa. And the bump of my mother's belly, that's me: Joe Szymunski. We were all underwater births, and my bro and sis came out swimming, whereas I sank like a Pet Rock. My family needs to make contact with water at least once an hour or else they'll die. Not me. I'm the black shrimp in the family."
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" You want to know, don't you? You've read his memoir, gawked at the photos of him in his spandex suit, and you think you suspect the truth. Well, I'm here to set it straight, to clear the smog. All his talk about Justice and Honor is based on lies and fantasies, and we'll start with this simple fact."
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Avant, après ou... pendant ?

La Comtesse de Ségur

Avant la pluie, le beau temps
Pendant la pluie, le beau temps
Après la pluie, le beau temps

30 questions
74 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : contraires , humourCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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